Montana x Abby
“Montana” - CHIC #81259
BIS MBISS BISNOHS GCHG Spothaven Wake Up The Echoes ROM
(BIS CH Avalon Taylormade By Paisley x CH BarNone Spothaven Lil Ms Sunshine
GCH Proctor's Absolutely No Nonsense
(GCH Hallmark Lincoln Lego x CH Proctor's Absolutely Positive)

EIGHT puppies whelped Sept 15, 2013
Three Boys (3 Liver); Five Girls (3 Black, 2 Liver)
1 patched puppy; 3 puppies w/ blue eyes
7 BAER Bilateral Hearing Puppies; 1 Deaf Puppy
We are proud of these kids! Pictured at 7 and 8 weeks:
The Girls!
CH Skye
CH Rock N Gold Rush The Skyes The Limit
Black Spotted

GCHS Dee Dee
GCHS Rock N Gold Rush’s Double Dipped Delight
Liver Spotted

CH Rock N Gold Rush Arson
Black Spotted
GCHB Rock N Gold Rush Nimble Nina of Nirvana
Black Spotted

Purple Girl (Liver Spotted)

The Boys!
CH Decker
CH Rock N Gold Rush’s Double Down
Liver Spotted

Orange Boy (Liver Spotted)

Green Boy (Liver Spotted)