Bogie x Holly Litter
CH BarNone Spothvn Lil Ms Sunshine
(GCHB Nspird’s Hollywood Legend x CH Snow Hill Mad Season)
BIS BiSS GC Tramac Just Watch MeShine
(CH Merry Go Round XKE x BIS BiSS Tramac Just Walkin On Sunshine)
SIX puppies whelped July 15, 2012
Four Boys (3 Black, 1 Liver); 2 Girls (2 Black)
No patches; 1 blue eye
5 BAER Bilateral; 1 Unilateral
Oliver, Willow, Fenway, Scarlett, Brady and Waffles
The Girls!
The Boys!
Spothaven Mocha Twist
“Oliver” (formerly Rex)
Spothaven Waffles McGee
“Waffles” (formerly Woody)